Fountain Hills Presbyterian Church is an ECO Congregation
What is ECO?
Joining ECO provides a foundation for Biblical faithfulness. ECO has established very clear, historic essential tenets that align with the beliefs of our congregation. ECO provides a community of other Presbyterian churches with whom we can participate for mutual encouragement and support. Joining ECO allows us to continue to be the church God has called us to be, leave aside doctrinal disputes, and to get back to the Great Commission: making disciples of Jesus Christ. Joining ECO is really an extension of what FHPC has been doing over all of our years. Together, we have the great opportunity to embrace where the Spirit is leading Fountain Hills Presbyterian Church, and press on to the upward call in Christ Jesus.

ECO = Covenant Order of Evangelical Presbyterians
Focused on 4 Key Priorities:
1) Lifting up the centrality of the Gospel
2) Growing with an emerging generation of leaders
3) Emphasizing a wave of church innovation
4) Creating an atmosphere of relational accountability
FHPC SESSION is glad to be recommending this growing new denomination.