Men’s Ministry

Presbyterian Men
The Men’s Fellowship was started as a small group in 2001. The original goal was to provide a monthly forum in which men of this church could meet in a relatively unstructured manner for the purposes of getting to know one another as fellow Christians while sharing a simple meal and enjoying a short program.
Now, more than fifteen years later, the goal is the same but the number of participants has increased, as has the scope of some of the monthly events.

Men’s Fellowship Monthly Meetings

From October through May, the Men of FHPC meet for breakfast meetings on the second Saturday of each month at 8:30 a.m. in the Fellowship Center. Click HERE for details of the upcoming event. Any variations in place or time will be announced.


Drop-Ins always welcome!

Fellowship Events

Chili Dump

Men in the Church

Sweethearts Brunch

Early in December following the Campus Christmas decorating, we host a Chili Dump for all to enjoy!
Click HERE to check for upcoming events.


In March of each year, we host “Men’s Sunday.”
Click HERE to check for the upcoming Service.
Men Ushers Sundays?
In March, the men of FHPC served as Ushers for the 9 a.m. Service.
In February, we host a special “Sweethearts Brunch” for the FHPC’s family and friends. 
Click HERE for more pictures.
Click HERE to check for upcoming events.

Men’s Bible Study

All men, including your friends who may not be members of our FHPC Community, are cordially invited to join the small group of inquiring souls in Men’s Bible Study. We meet at 7:00 a.m. in the Adult Center for an hour leaving you time for whatever activities you may have for the day. This fellowship and study will continue to meet each Thursday throughout the church year. Coffee and ”goodies” will be available. Please join us as we explore the messages we find in the Bible and their implications for our lives in the world today. 
