View Our Worship Services

Are you away from Fountain Hills or homebound and unable to attend worship at FHPC? Would you like a friend or family member to be able to hear the message from one of our services? Thanks to Ron Waldo, our Elder who oversees technology for FHPC, our 9 a.m. and 11:15 a.m. worship services are now being video recorded using Facebook Live. This puts the service on the FHPC Facebook page and anyone to “stream” or view the service on their computer or phone, as it is happening — or later on, at your own convenience.
You can connect to FHPC’s Facebook page directly by clicking here.  Facebook members can login and “like” the broadcast, BUT — you do not need to have an account on Facebook to watch.
As an alternative to going to Facebook, you can click “Worship” on this website menu, or go the webpage  Here you’ll have the option to connect to the FHPC Facebook page, watch videos of previous services, or listen to previous sermons.
