Local Mission Outreach

Extended Hands Food Bank-Collecting & delivering non-perishable food and monetary donations every Sunday. We also volunteer at their Friday Fish Fry on the first Friday of every month. Lastly, we collect frozen turkeys to donate at Thanksgiving.
Pockets Full Of Hope-Loose change is collected on Sundays to help E.H.F.B. in their operating costs.
School Supplies-At summer’s end, school supplies are collected for Fountain Hills elementary students to help give them what they need to start the school year prepared.
Angel Tree-At Christmastime, clothing and gifts are gathered for local children in need to help them have a blessed Christmas.
Trendsetters-Arizona tax credit donations go towards a weekly after school leadership program for children in grades 4-6. Trendsetters is based out of Fountain Hills Charter School.
Around The Valley Outreach:
Changing Lives Center – This is the women & children counterpart of the Phoenix Rescue Mission.
Previously, we brought music back into their lives through the purchase of CD players and many, many CD’s.
We also give small gifts to them at Christmas and Easter each year. As they try to rebuild their lives, we try to soften their world with a little holiday love.
International Mission Outreach
Special Offerings – Annually held special offerings for
mission work throughout the year that include:

Mission Meetings
The committee meets on the second Monday of the month at 1:00pm, in the Office conference room. Please join us! You are encouraged and invited to be a part of all that we do!