A Moveable Feast: Our worship begins with the recounting of the Maundy Thursday story around candlelit tables in our Fellowship Center as we share in a “family style” meal of rice and beans served by first century disciples. This “meager meal” is typical of food eaten by 2/3 of our Christian brothers and sisters and reflects our response to Christ’s command that “the first shall be last. . .” As dinner progresses, we will meet five of the key participants in the unfolding story of that fateful night who will share their stories with us. We’ll move to the Sanctuary and share in the Lord’s Supper amidst appropriate music and scripture. Finally, as the events of the night darken around us, we will drape our Sanctuary in black cloths and depart to face Good Friday. As part of our evening’s worship, we will gather a free will offering to be given to Extended Hands Food Bank for care of our needy neighbors here in Fountain Hills.