Shepherd of the Hills Lutheran Church
16150 E. El Lago Blvd.
The Annual Thanksgiving Service, sponsored by the Fountain Hills Christian Ministerial Association, will start at 7 p.m. The featured speaker for the service this year will be Deacon Dick Smith of Church of the Ascension.
Others participating in the service include Rev. Bill Good of the Fountain Hills Presbyterian Church, the Rev. Dr. Steve Bergeson of the Shepherd of the Hills Lutheran Church, Pastor Todd Forrest of the Fountain Hills Christian Center, Rod Warembourg of Desert Creek Fellowship, Pastor Rick Ponzo of Calvary Chapel, the Rev. Dr. Bobby Brewer of North Chapel, Pastor Trent Renner of Christ’s Church of Fountain Hills, the Rev. Dr. Cathy Northrup of Community Church of the Verdes, and David Iverson from the Extended Hands Food Bank.
Special music will be provided by and Fountain Hills Presbyterian Church, Shepherd of the Hills Lutheran Church choir and bell choir and The Praise Band of Desert Creek Fellowship.
Those who attend the service are encouraged to bring a nonperishable food item for donation to the Extended Hands Food Bank. A special offering will also be taken for EHFB.