Elders – Deacons
The belief that the people of God are called to be leaders is at the heart of the Presbyterian way. This commitment manifests itself in a style of “representative democracy” that is unique in the worldwide church.
This representative democracy is embodied in the boards of the church: the Session, and the Board of Deacons. The people who serve on these boards have been identified for their gifts of leadership and a commitment to the life and ministry of this congregation and are elected to three-year terms by the congregation.
The Session is the governing body of the church. Session members, called Elders (the translation of the Greek word presbyteros), are responsible for the whole life and ministry of Fountain Hills Presbyterian Church.
John Skewes
Kristi Robinson
Ron Waldo
Ilene Berg
Jack Reynolds
Arlene Stewart
Maria Berry
Todd Corsello
Tim Halchuck
George Holtan
John Scaggs
Mary Lee Lehrich
Food Ministry
Bonnie Matty
New Members Ministry
Sunday Fellowship
HomeTouch Ministry
Diane Runfola
Transportation Ministry
Memorial/Sanctuary flowers
Linda Warren
Communion for Homebound
Homebound Ministry
Memorial Services
Carol Hencz
Homebound Ministry
Memorial Services
Easter/Christmas plants,
Thanksgiving food
Phil Katz
Communion for Homebound
Nominating Committee
Mary Martinson
Nominating Committee
Leslie Hermansen
New Members Ministry
Memorial Services
Matt Jefferson
Homebound Ministry
Transportation Ministry
Dawn Lau
Homebound Ministry
Sunday Fellowship
Jim Stewart
Benevolence Fund
Birthday Calls
Easter/Christmas plants, Thanksgiving food