Sunday, February 2 | 10 am | Fellowship Center
Hilltop Hospitality has accumulated a lot of plates and dishes that we will placing on long tables at the back of Fellowship Center. Some of these items may belong to individuals who have donated cookies, etc. from previous events and were forgotten. Be sure to check and see if any of these items belong to you. Please help yourself to anything you might like to have. All items not selected will go into storage for the next Rummage Sale.
Hilltop Hospitality has accumulated a lot of plates and dishes that we will placing on long tables at the back of Fellowship Center. Some of these items may belong to individuals who have donated cookies, etc. from previous events and were forgotten. Be sure to check and see if any of these items belong to you. Please help yourself to anything you might like to have. All items not selected will go into storage for the next Rummage Sale.