FHPC’s 2020 Vacation Bible School
The best week of the summer!
New friends! Amazing Experiments!
Creative games! Super-fun snacks!
Surprising adventures! Incredible music!
Who: Children PreK to 5th grade.
When: Monday, June 22nd – Friday, June 2th, from 9:00 AM – Noon.
Where: Fountain Hills Presbyterian Church, 13001 N. Fountain Hills Blvd
Fountain Hills, AZ 85268. Directions
What: TBD
How Much: TBD
We are in the planning stages, but if you are interested in enrollingIf you have further questions, call Fountain Hills Presbyterian Church at 480-837-1763. Offfice hours are Monday-Thursday, 8 a.m.-3 p.m. Or, email fhpc.cf@gmail.com.
Donations are welcome and greatly appreciated!